Let’s start with a confession

First things first: I hate walking.

I don’t really understand why people do it. It makes my feet ache. Going uphill is exhausting. Going downhill is even worse. The view is never worth the climb. The weather is always too hot or too cold or too rainy or too windy.

However, my husband and dogs enjoy it. As do millions of Britons. I really don’t know why. But I need to lose weight and I’m motivated by a challenge. Hence my fabulous idea…

*insert dramatic music here*

I (and my hubby) WILL WALK ALL 100 OF BRITAIN’s (and Northern Ireland’s) FAVOURITE WALKS!*

*As voted for by the great British public in the ITV show Britain’s Favourite 100 Walks, broadcast in January 2018

Maybe once I’ve walked the best walks that the UK has to offer, I will finally understand what this walking lark is all about.

I’m convinced this is a brilliant plan. I won’t regret this AT ALL. And besides, what could possibly go wrong??

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